More Evidence for Atlantean Descendants
in the United States
By John Fuhler

On July 13, 1936, Edgar Cayce gave a reading for a woman whom he told, "The entity then was among the people, the Indians, of the Iroquois; those of noble birth, those that were of the pure descendants of the Atlanteans…" (1219–1)

But the readings identified another group of North American Indians as descendants of Atlanteans, as well.

…in the experience before this we find the entity was in that land about Fort Dearborn, during those periods when there were the attempts of many to gain a greater understanding by the spiritual concepts and teachings to those of the greater nations – the Red Men; or those of the Atlanteans that had come to these portions of the land…Yet when turmoils and strifes arose, and those periods when there were the gathering of all the nations of these peoples… ( Edgar Cayce Reading #3823–1)

The events described in this reading occurred in the Old Northwest during the period 1809–1813, when Tecumseh, with British support and encouragement, led a confederation of Indians to defend their territories from the encroachment of the settlers. Though historical documents indicate a number of tribes participated in the skirmishes, the residents about Fort Dearborn consisted primarily of several bands of Potawatomi, a tribe of Algonquian Indians closely related to the Ottawa and Ojibwa. These three tribes, all residents of regions about and between the western Great Lakes, had only recently split up, having originally been one unified nation. In other words, in the context of the reading, the Potawatomi were Atlantean descendants.

Fort Dearborn
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Engraving showing Fort Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois, as it appeared in 1831

The family of languages to which the Potawatomi, Ottawa, and Ojibwa languages belong is intimately related to the Afro-Asiatic family of languages.i Interestingly enough, these same populations share a genetic relationship, as well. The greatest frequency of one particular genetic trait, mitochondrial haplogroup X2 (hereafter mt hap X2), among North American Indians occurs in the Ojibwa Indians (25%). And the greatest occurrence of mt hap X2 in Eurasia is among the Druze of southern Lebanon and northern Israel (11%). The purest expression of mt hap X2 in North America occurs in one particular Ojibwa subject, whose closest genetic relatives according to this marker are members of Mediterranean populations, rather than any other Indian subject found in North America! This is true in spite of the thousands of years and thousands of miles that separate them.ii

The American mt hap X2 data reveal several other very important facts: two separate waves of populations bearing the genetic marker migrated to North America. The first wave of immigration occurred before or around the last glacial maximum, with a coalescence time of 23,000–36,000 years before present; and the second wave with a coalescence time of 12,000–17,000 years before present.iii

At least one Ojibwa subject belongs to the first migration to America of mt hap X2 populations. By inference, other Algonquian speaking Indians do, as well. The readings confirm the coalescence date revealed by the geneticists:

…the entity was in Atlantis when there was the second period of disturbance – which would be some twenty-two thousand, five hundred (22,500) before the periods of the Egyptian activity covered by the Exodus; or it was some twenty-eight thousand (28,000) before Christ, see? (470–22)

The readings also state the Eastern Seaboard was among the lowlands of Atlantis. (364–13) The Atlanteans would only have had to relocate to the coastal areas to arrive at their new home when the rest of the continent went under.

Linguists corroborate these data. The distribution of Algonquian languages in North America indicates the place of origin, based on the diversity of Algonquian dialects, between Long Island Sound and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. One might argue this place of origin extended from the Albemarle Sound in North Carolina to Cape Cod, but European encroachment in those areas render available data less reliable.iv Also, the relative distributions of Algonquian languages reveal a pattern consistent with the gradual occupation of unoccupied lands vacated by the receding glaciers.v Thus, the distribution of the Algonquian languages, as well as the mt hap X2 coalescence times, establish the "arrival" of these Indians in North America to be about the time of the last glacial maximum.

map Algonquian languages
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Map showing Algonquin Dialects
Source: John Fuhler

Linguists have hypothesized the relationship between the Algonquian and Afro-Asiatic language families, but their model that explains this relationship contradicts the genetic evidence. That paradigm requires a trans-Beringia, or trans-Pacific route to account for the similarities between the two The genetic data disprove this, however. Those who maintain the mt hap X2 evidence found in the Tunguska Basin in western Siberia and the Altai Mountains of western Mongolia represent the founder source of American mt hap X2 ignore the fact that the coalescence time required for these Asian data is only 6,700 years. In other words, the American mt hap X2 was already in America a minimum of 5,300 years before that genetic marker arrived in Central Asia! So, at this time, conventional scholarship cannot explain the genetic or linguistic data. The readings, however, provide answers that the scholars lack.

John Fuhler Blog 072-013John Fuhler has been involved in the field of alternative medicine for more than 25 years. He received his BA in anthropology from the University of Illinois and studied in Glasgow, Scotland, and Portland, Ore. As an amateur archaeologist, he participated in projects in Ariz., Calif., Hawaii, N.M., and Wis.; reporting discoveries in Ore. and Scotland. His tribal affiliations include: Saxon, Friesian, Bohemian, Irish (O'Meagher clan), and Wyandot. He volunteers his skills with organizations supporting the homeless, forest services, and families. He enjoys reading the bible in Greek and Latin.



i Fuhler, J.T. Occasional Papers of the Epigraphic Society. 2007. Vol. 25. pp59ff.
ii ii Brown, et al. mtDNA Haplogroup X: An Ancient Link between Europe/Western Asia and North America? Am J Hum Genet 1998 October 63:1852-1861; Reidia, et al. Origins and Diffusion of mtDNA Haplogroup X. Am J Hum Genet 2003 November 73(5):1178-1190 (Published online Oct 20, 2003:
iiiBrown, et al. op. cit. p. 1859.
iv Silver, S. and Miller, W.R. (1997) American Indian Languages: Cultural and Social Contexts. University of Arizona Press: Tucson. 320.
v Parker, A. Glacial Geography and Native American Languages. Quaternary Research 23, 130-137 (1985).
vi Ruhlen, M. (1994). The Origin of Language: Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue. John Wiley and Sons, Inc: New York. Fig. 10; pp. 153–4.