Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Skin Problems: Concepts From the Readings

by Tom Johnson

The cosmetics industry as a whole has experienced an average growth rate of 10% per year during the past fifteen years. This extensive use of cosmetics shows that most of us are concerned with our physical appearance and the measures we can take to keep our skin in good condition.

A search through readings for people with skin disturbances reveals that Cayce placed great emphasis on the importance of internal conditions as a cause of complexion problems. The readings indicate that a large percentage of skin problems were a result of superficial or capillary circulatory disturbances often caused by poor assimilations, eliminations, glandular malfunctioning, and/or spinal misalignments and impingements:

Q: What is the cause of the skin eruptions that I have so frequently, and kindly give me a cure for same?
A: It has been given. These are a part of the circulatory disturbance, and as the eliminations are set up and as there are the coordinations between the forces in the body itself that make for a coordinant reaction in all portions of the eliminations, we will find these disturbances being eliminated. (603-3)

Q: What causes the palms of my hands to be hard and dry, and at times to form little water blisters?
A: The poor circulation, and the lack of the activities or coordination between the glandular system and the eliminations. (1533-1)

Q: What has caused recent increase of hair on lips, and what should be done to remedy it?
A: This, again, is from ail inactivity and the allowing of overactivity in certain portions of the thyroid gland. For, this is the portion, in its balance, that keeps the body-forces in balance, adding to or taking from the system that to aid in the growth of hair, of nails, and in keeping an equilibrium. So, with the corrections of these conditions, and there being then better indications in the correct flow of this glandular secretion, these should gradually disappear. For these conditions use only such things as to correct the system, not any mechanical or chemical forces to remove these, see? (2582-1)

Q: Is the condition [that I have] Athlete’s Foot, as termed by the doctors?
A: Rather as indicated and this is almost always the condition where there
is that is termed as Athlete’s Foot or where the locomotories are disturbed. That is, an impingement. Here we find it below the locomotory centers proper, yet not sufficiently low to disturb the circulation in the upper portion of the body – but to make only external applications will not heal the conditions here. Then, it may be said to be the symptoms of Athlete’s Foot – but reaches farther than this.

Q: What produced this condition?
A: First an accident or injury to that portion of the body, where the repressions in the circulation affected the lower extremities. Then the character of the shoe or, more specifically, the dye in the stockings worn. And there the addition to this of infection from external forces – fishy in its nature. (477-1)

Exercise and adherence to the rules of diet were recommended as ways to improve the assimilations and eliminations as shown in these two extracts from readings for women suffering from skin disturbances. The first was for a 43-year-old woman, the second, for a nineteen-year-old girl.

Q: Can you suggest any treatment for dryness of hands and skin?
A: … The better change should come within from the better assimilation of that eaten, which will be found to be more improved by the exercises of stretching arms above the head, or swinging on a pole would be well. This doesn’t mean to run out and jump up on a pole every time you eat, but have regular periods. When you have the activities, do have these exercises, for they will stimulate the gastric flow and let that eaten have something to float in … (2072-14)

Q. Please outline a proper diet for me.
A: As indicated, do not use fits or highly seasoned foods, but those that tend to be more of an alkaline nature and the better for the system. No large quantities of sweets at any time, especially of cane sugar, but rather sufficient of that necessary to keep to proper digestion … (563-4)

This would be well to be remembered by all: Few germ formations, or none, that injure or cause distress in the form of neuritis, or arthritic conditions, or any form of skin eruption, may come when a system is tended toward alkalinity! (306-3)

Cayce often advised people with skin problems not to depend on cosmetic preparations to solve their problems, since such preparations while perhaps temporarily relieving the symptoms, cannot bring permanent cures:

Q: Is there not a treatment or method that might be used for the removal of blackheads from the face?
A: The general building tip of the body forces and the establishing first of correct coordination or eliminations. These will gradually be removed.
There might be used bleaches, or cleansing creams, but these would eventually give more trouble than the blackheads are causing in the present. Get to the basic conditions of these, as being accomplished through the use of the fumes, the rubs and now the Violet Ray. (2072-9)

Q: Can anything be done for pimples and breaking out of’ the skin?
A: The exercise and the diets are better than lotions or applications, see? (1771-3)

Stimulation of’ the superficial circulation of the blood vessel network in the extremities and below the surface of the skin seemed to be frequently recommended advice for keeping the skill in a healthy condition:

Q: What cosmetics would be best?
A: Don’t depend upon cosmetics to clear or purify the skin. The cosmetics should be rather as an aid to keeping the superficial circulation in portions of the face and hands in bettered condition. (5271-1)

This stimulation could be accomplished in several different ways. Massage with oils was often recommended. The most usual combination was a mixture of peanut oil, olive oil, and lanolin: Many A.R.E. members are familiar with the following reading given in 1942:

For making or keeping a good complexion for the skin, the hands and arms and body as well, we would prepare a compound to use as a massage by self, at least once or twice each week. To six ounces of peanut oil, add olive oil, two ounces; rose water, two ounces; dissolved lanolin, one tablespoonful. This would be used after a tepid bath in which the body has remained for at least 15 to 20 minutes, giving the body then, during the bath, a thorough rub with any good soap, to stimulate the body forces. As we find, Sweetheart or any good Castile soap, or Ivory, may be used for such.

Afterwards, after shaking it well, massage with this solution. Of course, this amount will be sufficient for many times. Shake well and pour some in an open saucer or the like, dipping fingers in same. Begin with the face, neck, shoulders, arms, and then the whole body would be massaged thoroughly with the solution; especially in the area of the limbs, in the areas that are across the hips, across the body, across the diaphragm. This will not only keep a stimulating effect with the other treatments indicated [hydrotherapy, massage and osteopathy] taken occasionally, and give the body a good base for the stimulating of the superficial circulation; but the solution will aid in keeping the body beautiful; that is, as to being free from any blemish of any nature. (1968-3)

A mixture such as the preceding is known as an emollient. This is a cosmetic substance designed to lubricate, soften, and protect the skin against moisture loss. Cosmeticians often recommend emollients for people with dry skin problems.

The most unusual thing about this particular preparation is the peanut oil base. Almost all of the liquid emollients on the market today are based oil, mineral oil or castor oil. Olive oil, lanolin, and rosewater are all widely used in cosmetic formulas, although rosewater today is made synthetically.

The soap most frequently recommended in the readings seems to be castile or castile-based soap. At the time the readings were given the strict definition of this soap was one made from olive oil and caustic soda. The word “castile” comes from the Castile district in Spain, a large olive producing section. Today, most castile soaps include varying amounts of other fats, partly due to the high cost of olive oil.

Another item occasionally mentioned is the Boncilla mudpack. It is apparently another way to stimulate the superficial circulation:

About twice a month . . . we would have the [Boncilla ] mud packs; face and neck, across the shoulders and upper portions about the neck; especially extending over the area of the thyroids – as an astringent and as a stimulation for a better circulation throughout the system. (1968-1)

In the cosmetic world, the Boncilla pack would be usually prescribed for oily skins. As an astringent it serves temporarily to firm and tighten the skin. In another reading Cayce suggested that the Boncilla mud had a type of chalk that was especially beneficial. Of course, cosmetic mud is not the same as ordinary mud.

Overall, the readings advise us that external applications will not cure the blemishes caused by internal problems. However, for externally caused scars, the readings offer an external remedy: camphorated oil. At the time this reading was given the oil available was camphorated olive oil. Today camphorated cottonseed oil is the only type sold.

Q: Are the scars on the legs or stomach detrimental in any way to the proper functioning of the body?
A: Little or no hindrance. These may be aided in being removed by sufficient time, precaution and persistence in activity; by the massage over those portions of small quantities at a time of Tincture of Myrrh and Olive Oil, and Camphorated Oil. These would be massaged at different times, to be sure; one one day and the other the second day from same – see? In preparing the Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh, heat the oil and add the myrrh – equal portions, only preparing such a quantity as would be used at each application. The Camphorated Oil may be obtained in quantity. Only massage such quantities as the cuticle and epidermis will absorb. This will require, to be sure, a long period, but remember the whole surface may be entirely changed if this is done persistently and consistently. In the massaging, do not massage so roughly to produce irritation. The properties are to be absorbed. Do not merely pat the solution on, but do not use tufts of cotton or other properties to dab it on – dip the fingertips into the solution, and it won’t hurt the fingers either – it’ll be good for them! and massage into affected portions.

Q: Would an electrical instrument be of assistance in removing the scars?
A: There are those instruments that may be helpful, but it would require their use in the hands of experienced individuals – and then the results would not be as effectual or as well done as nature’s methods in applying properties such as outlined. For, the therapeutic value of the properties given to the skin itself is as follows: As given, as known and held by the ancients more than the present modes of medication, olive oil – properly prepared (hence pure olive oil should always be used) – is one of the most effective agents for stimulating muscular activity, or mucus-membrane activity, that may be applied to a body. Olive Oil, then, combined with the Tincture of Myrrh will be very effective; for the Tincture of Myrrh acts with the pores of the skin in such a manner as to strike in, causing the circulation to be carried to affected parts where tissue has been in the nature of folds – or scar tissue, produced from superficial activity from the active forces in the body itself, in making for coagulation in any portion of the system, whether external or internal. And, as indicated in the specific conditions referred to in relation to this body, will be MOST effectual. The Camphorated Oil is merely the same basic force [as Olive Oil?] to which has been added properties of Camphor in more or less its raw or original state, than the spirits of same. Such activity in the epidermis is not only to produce soothing to affected areas but to stimulate the circulation in such effectual ways and manners as to combine with the other properties in bringing what will be determined, in the course of two to two and a half years, a new skin! (440-3)

This concludes a broad survey of Cayce’s theory of skin problems. These concepts differ in many respects from current popular ideas about these problems, but after studying them carefully their basis in common sense becomes apparent.

Note: The preceding report was written by Tom Johnson, and is excerpted from The A.R.E. Journal, March, 1970, Volume 5, No. 2, page 75, Copyright © 1970 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.

Note: As this information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, your use of this database of information indicates that you are aware of our recommendation that you consult with a professional healthcare provider before taking any action.