As we enter the final weeks of 2014, many of us are wondering what is in store for us in 2015. In 2014, we saw the peak of a multi-year (2012-15) Grand Cross anchored by a Pluto in Capricorn squaring Uranus in Aries. This square picks up on some themes from the 1960s when, in 1965-67, a Pluto and Uranus conjunction ushered in a period of rapid social change. Consequently, we are living through a time of rapid change. In 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, its transformative energy exposed an imbalanced world economy, so when we add the energy of the square, an aspect of inner tension propelling towards change, it is not only the structure that shifted, but it is also a time of involuntary stretching and growth. We feel a sense of uncertainty from a crowding of ominous news events while in contrast, there are some areas that are seemingly stuck.

On a more personal level, this energy broke down routine patterns in our lives though job losses and health problems. December 15 and March 16 bring the final two exact squares of Uranus and Pluto, so we are on the downside of the force of its energy; and as we progress through 2015, we will see an easing of this tension. The lesson of that energy in the past three years was for us to find our grounding from within. Remember, permanent security is not found in external circumstance but through connecting with our divine source from within. Although seemingly traumatic, many of the changes we went through were guiding us away from experiences no longer needed, no matter how comfortable, and bringing us into new spaces that challenge our growth and help us better define our true purpose and creative intent.

While Neptune ambles along in its home sign of Pisces in 2015, Saturn enters Sagittarius shortly before the New Year. With the exception of June 16 to September 17, when Saturn moves temporarily back into Scorpio, its focal energies turn toward higher education, law, publishing, and spiritual beliefs. In the next two years, we will see more news stories about challenges to the structure of college education and the best methods to train the workforce. Some debates should arise on civil and international law in 2015, while religious groups take a deeper look at their core beliefs. This may lead to splits, or the threat of splits, within these groups. The publishing industry also should go through reorganization and further adjustments.

In 2015, Jupiter transits through Leo until August 11, when it moves into Virgo. This planet of expansion shines on Leo, which ignites our creativity before it shifts its energy into Virgo, thus the latter part of the year will find the focus is on more technical and down-to-earth things. Don’t be too surprised to see some announcements on breakthroughs in medicine and technology. More specifically, there may be new studies coming out about the body, mind, and spirit connection to illness as well as “future” technologies that are quickly adapted into the regular routine of daily living.

Eclipse seasons in 2015 will occur near the spring and autumn equinoxes. Eclipses tend to bring situations to a head for people who have a planet located immediately on or in opposition to an eclipse. On March 20, a solar eclipse occurs in the very last moments of Pisces just hours before the vernal equinox, while a lunar eclipse on April 4 falls in mid-Libra. Then the next solar eclipse occurs on September 13 at 20 degrees Virgo, and a lunar eclipse at 4 degrees Aries on September 27 rounds out the year.

Whenever a planet moves retrograde, it is a time for inner listening and reflection. The most well-known retrograde cycle is of Mercury. In 2015, Mercury goes retrograde three times: January 22 to February 11; May 18 to June 11; and September 17 to October 9. During these dates, just stop, look, and listen. Frequently, Mercury retrograde brings insights and new information that is helpful to your decision-making, thus the advice to hold still and wait. Once Mercury moves direct, you can use this new information to your advantage.

It is vital to remember that the planets do not cause events, nor are you helpless as the planets move through their regular cycles. Although your personal circumstances may be troubled from the recent events, know that these energies cleared away what was no longer necessary. Go within, and let your meditations, prayers, and dreams guide you towards your best outcome. Each of us has a divine connection to the living source of God.