Many people choose to fast for spiritual and/or health reasons. For some it offers a time of focus and reflection. For others it’s a kick-start for changing eating habits and losing weight.

For more than 20 individuals, the Cayce health readings recommended the “Apple Diet” as a three-day cleansing. The Apple Diet was a modified fast where one eats nothing but apples for three days and drinks only black coffee and water. One reading advocated eating at least five or six apples a day.

Apples of the “jenneting” variety were specified in the Apple Diet readings including Jonathan, Black Arkansas, Red and Golden Delicious, Oregon Red, Sheepnose, and Arkansas Russet. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary traces the derivation of the word “jenneting’ to an old French festival of St. John’s Day on June 24. These apple varieties were the ones ripening early in the growing season. Though most of these American heirloom apple types are hard to find, Jonathan and Delicious varieties are available in many large grocery stores. Those apples we now label as chemical-free, “organic,” are preferred. Even back in Cayce’s day, there were concerns about artificially ripened and preserved fruit. Many of our supermarket apples come from orchards as far away as New Zealand! Apples grown as close to the consumer as possible are the best choices.

Additional instructions appeared in another reading, stating "Drink plenty of water, and follow the three-day diet with the big dose of Olive Oil." (1409-9)

The doses recommended varied from two-three teaspoons (3673-1) to two tablespoons (780-12) to as much as one-half a teacup (6 oz) – which would be 6 tablespoons (1622-1).

For some individuals the readings suggested that the person repeat the Apple Diet once a month for 2-3 months. For others the readings suggested a quarterly Apple Diet. In all cases, the readings counseled that the Apple Diet would be effective:

This is to change the activity through the whole alimentary canal.

--Edgar Cayce reading 3673-1

Instead of choosing a commercially-produced modified fast, the Cayce readings offer us a natural and holistic Apple Diet. 

Please consult with a qualified health care professional before starting any fast or new diet program.