Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Cayce Institute for Culinary Medicine

Due to high demand for in person classes, this program will restart in Summer 2024 to accommodate all. Announcement will be made at Congress (June 2024).

We believe that health is a process and a journey to find healing that comes from within, so we’ve designed our program to align the Cayce principles and practices with your mind, body, and spirit. Throughout the program, you will learn from a variety of nutrition, food, medicine, and spirituality experts whose insights and guidance will leave you feeling enlightened from head to toe.

We are also excited to introduce you to Baar Products, which are derived from the Cayce Readings. These products will enhance your wellness journey exploration and provide you with the tools you need to restore and maintain your health.

This course will include:

  • A luxury Baar Products Wellness Essentials Kit, allowing you to work with these products and healing supplements.
  • Pre-recorded lectures from industry experts in nutrition, food, medicine, and spirituality
  • Weekly Zoom calls with classmates for a shared learning experience facilitated by your ARE course host

We look forward to supporting you every step of the way on your health journey.