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Disease Overview

Overview of Respiratory Flu

I. Physiological Considerations

According to medical texts, influenza, or “flu” is usually an upper respiratory infection caused by viruses of the myxovirus group and related to the larger paramyxoviruses which include mumps, measles, parainfluenza, etc. There are three distinct antigenic types of influenza virus, designated A, B, and C, infection with one type conferring no immunity against the other two.

Influenza B occurs sporadically or in localized outbreaks. Type C causes a very mild disease which is rarely detected. And type A is responsible for major epidemics which tend to recur in cycles of two to four years in the winter months.

Although the upper respiratory tract is the usual site of infection, this can extend farther downwards leading to bronchitis or pneumonia. This can be complicated further by a superimposed bacterial infection, a serious complication indeed. Blood-borne infection occasionally does occur as well as involvement of other organs and tissues, leading to a wide variety of effects and symptoms.

In the readings given by Edgar Cayce on “flu” and “flu aftereffects,” the principal sites of involvement were the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, occasionally with blood-borne infection. Complications by super infection were very rare. A distinction is made between the cold and flu germs:

Q-2. Will the “flu” vaccine taken prevent re-attacks?
A-2. With the proper care this will prevent; though the conditions that arise from cold or congestion will ever be apparent without sufficient of that in the system to combat with that germ or bacilli known as cold (and is not “flu” germ!). One may be combated with certain elements in the blood, while the other would be only to create others that would affect other portions of the body. With proper care, though, the “flu” would be out, or the body would be immune to the effect of “flu” proper. (654-3)

Apparently the necessary elements in the blood to combat the cold germ are sufficient and proper function of hemoglobin and also enough of the white strep in the blood. (Perhaps by “strep” Cayce means white blood cells, the defense system of the body.)

While in a few instances the readings merely gave the diagnosis of flu, in many other instances, they say the underlying causes are cold and congestion, poor eliminations, deficiencies in the blood supply (humoral and/or cellular) with lack of resistance to infectious agents, poor diet, or any combination of these. Some of the causes of cold and congestion are overacidity (perhaps through dietary indiscretion) and mechanical pressure on the cerebrospinal system, presumably causing circulatory disturbances.

What seems to emerge from this is that a variety of stimuli – all originating from inharmonies between the spiritual, mental and physical forces, acting through the circulatory system as a final common pathway – does predispose one to acquiring “flu,” the severity and extent of which depends on the class of flu organism and the associated or underlying conditions of the person thus infected.

Reading 274-12 makes a brief mention of astrological influences, while 845-2 gives some insight into how extensive complications can arise from “flu.” These complications often occur years after the initial attack, particularly in the cases of gastrointestinal flu (which are found in the Circulating File, “Flu: Aftereffects”).

II. Rationale Of Therapy

Therapy may be broken down into two general areas: treating the underlying problem, such as Poor eliminations, poor diet, circulatory disturbances, etc.; and treating distressing symptoms. With correction of the underlying problem, all symptoms will eventually disappear, but this may take some time.

Proper elimination is brought about through colonics and laxatives. Equally important is the improvement Of circulation through massages and osteopathic manipulations so that the other organs of elimination can function better. Hydrotherapy may be utilized in severe circulatory disturbances, as this helps to balance the superficial and deep circulations.

An alkaline environment is detrimental to the “flu” organism, hence alkalizing agents and an alkaline-reacting diet are helpful.

III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen

The following is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the therapeutic modalities prescribed by Cayce, but only a guideline – what one might consider a reasonable approach with the average patient.

  1. An inhalant. Two to three inhalations taken through the mouth and nostrils three to four times daily, as described in reading 304-15.
    The mono-ichthyolate spray (preserved with a weak solution of alcohol to counteract irritation in the nasal passages and throat). (274-11)
    A throat purifier (expectorant) and alkalizer prepared thus: To the white of one fresh, beaten egg, add the juice of one lemon very slowly and stir; then a tablespoon of strained honey added drop by drop and beaten into same; then glycerine – two minims (not more than two drops). Dosage: One tablespoonful twice daily until condition clears. Dosage was as frequent as every two to three hours in one instance. (274-11)
    For lower respiratory involvement, additional measures are necessary, and these might include chest massage, onion poultice, ultraviolet ray treatment, Calcidin to relieve congestion and improve breathing, antibiotics, etc. (See File on bronchitis.)
  2. Establish good eliminations by use of laxatives, such as Fletcher’s Castoria, taken two teaspoonfuls every two hours until good bowel evacuation ensues. The properties in this product are claimed to help lessen the activity of the infectious forces. (274-1 1) Eno Salts may be used as an alternative. (464-18)
    Colonics once or twice a week may be resorted to if satisfactory results are not obtained with laxatives.
  3. Diet is very important. An alkaline-reacting diet is recommended.
    Some alkalizers: Alka-Seltzer, rectified bicarbonate with cracker crumbs (348-6), etc.
  4. Others: spinal massages, osteopathic adjustments. These may be necessary in more severe conditions to improve circulation and elimination and to relieve pressure along the spinal centers.

Occasionally one sees a case of respiratory and intestinal “flu” combined. The File on flu or flu aftereffects should be consulted.

Note: The preceding overview was written by Hezekiah Chinwah, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician’s Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.

Note: As this information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, your use of this database of information indicates that you are aware of our recommendation that you consult with a professional healthcare provider before taking any action.